Blog's Beginning
Why is it God always wins at Hide and Seek?
Yet, sometimes, I just keep on playing...Funny though, it isn't a game to me...not at all like when I was a kid and played with friends.
So here I am God, out in the open...transparent, vulnerable.
For so long, I've been searching for the meaning of my life?? I'm not saying I don't know my purpose, perhaps I do...but maybe I'm just having difficulty figuring out how to fulfill my purpose and still maintain so many other things--or should I say juggle them.
At least I finally understand that it is time to realize this IS my life? MY life? And, I realize today that it is time for me to understand that when I ponder my life --I no longer have to punctuate it with a question mark.
I'm not quite to a constant explanation point but I believe that will come, after all, I am joy.
This blog is my search for understanding. I'll try to blog at least weekly. It is also my effort to get my life back...or well-give it back...depending on how you look at it...My focus is health exercise and diet--not just physically-but also spiritually.
I know that somewhere out there as you read this-- you are with me-and for that I thank you, the reader...because I know that in your own way, your own space, your own prayers-your own hopes, fears and aspirations, you are with me. My prayer is that in each blog there will be something for you, too.
With this blog's beginning I am realizing the words to Adrienne Rich's poem-- I know you are reading...and I know that in the Atlas of this difficult world we live in-- You are with me trying to gain your own understanding of life...................
A Texas rancher said to me, I can get in my pick up truck and drive for 3 hours and still can't get to the other side of my property. I replied,
I have a pick up like that too.....
My pick up just can't get far down the spiritual path right now.
My hope today is in Ecclesiastes 3 "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity."
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